Beautiful souls…

Welcome to this website.

It is a free library with beautiful and powerful audio- and video recordings of meditations, chi kung practices and music.

All the recordings belong to the legacy of Barry Spendlove (1948-2022). Barry was a Welsh senior Healing Tao teacher with a deep shamanic approach and strong affinity with the Celtic roots of his homeland. He is known for the unique way he introduces Nature into people and people into Nature. His meditation and chi kung practices nourish and strengthen our inner landscapes with the bold power of Nature. He achieves this by playing with the 5 elements in a creative and shamanic way.

The unconditional love and tenderness he had for all beings and for our amazingly beautiful planet are his signature. Be prepared to have your relationship with Nature transformed profoundly and forever…

We are still in the process of developing this website. More of his recordings will be uploaded in the coming months and years.

Feel free to share the material with people you love and those who might benefit from working with them.

Thank you and enjoy your journey!

With love

Barry’s team

Natural Dao Meditation Group…

We tune in and listen to Barry’s Meditations together via Zoom on the last Sunday of each month. We’d love to have you there with us.
Click here to register your interest and receive the Zoom link

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Why Natural Dao?

Natural Dao empowers people to realize and express their fullest potential.

It helps us to take responsibility for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

We learn to live more in the present moment cultivating love, harmony, integrity, power and kindness.

We embody ever more  love and connection with ourselves, all beings and Mother Earth.